Milpitas Unified School District Receives $820k in grants from Golden State Pathways Program6/5/2024
Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD) was recently awarded $820,000 in grants through the Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP), designed to improve opportunities for students and prepare them for the workforce of tomorrow. MUSD was one of 302 districts awarded grants for exceptional program design.
The MUSD grant will support the Educator/Social Worker, Computer Sciences and Health Sciences Pathway programs at MUSD Middle College High School, as well as the Computer Sciences and Advanced Manufacturing Pathway programs at the Milpitas High School Extension at the MUSD Innovation Campus. “Our MUSD Team persistently applies for grants that will fuel our MUSD mission to assure every learner sees themselves in what they learn and is afforded opportunities to experience learning pathways that will support them in their future careers,” said Superintendent Cheryl Jordan. “We are thrilled with this recent grant award that will support the development of skills identified by the World Economic Forum as the three must haves for success in the workplace -- problem solving, collaboration, and adaptability.” The GSPP program integrates college preparatory coursework meeting the A-G course requirements for admission to state universities and the opportunity to earn 12 college credits with career exploration, career technical education courses, and work-based learning, according to the California Department of Education (CDE). Governor Newsom said in his announcement: “This funding will be a game-changer for thousands of students as the state invests in pathways to good-paying, high-need careers—including those that don’t require college degrees.” The implementation of dual enrollment and learning experiences that engage learners with possibilities for career allows students to advance seamlessly from high school through institutes of higher education to career, and provides the workforce needed for economic growth in Milpitas and throughout Silicon Valley. State Supt. Thurmond in the CDE’s press release on the GSPP stated, “I am very proud of today’s investment. I look forward to seeing our students gain entry to competitive wages and thriving futures.” In the last three months our MUSD Team has secured grants totalling $2.82M to support MUSD Strategic Goal #1 Build a Culture of We and SG#3 Develop Educational Pathways that allow Students to apply their Passion in Learning for their Future Careers. “Our strategic goals were developed after discussions with the experiences our students, parents, caretakers, community members, and local businesses have in Silicon Valley,” said Board President Minh Ngo. “We continue to connect pathways of success for our Future ready students.” # # # About Milpitas Unified School District Milpitas Unified School District is a beacon for learning for more than 10,000 students in early childhood through adult education. We have high expectations for every student and provide multiple opportunities and pathways for success. We provide learning opportunities for all and create nurturing environments where students are inspired and empowered. MUSD is an exceptional district in which students and staff are critical thinkers and trailblazers known for creativity and innovation. We prepare students to go out into the world and make a difference as responsible citizens who are passionate about life and learning. To learn more about Milpitas Unified School District, visit, like us on Facebook at, or follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @MUSDFamily. Comments are closed.
The governing board of Milpitas Unified School District will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Media ResourcesArchives
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