A total of 412 students were invited to Milpitas High School's Senior Awards Night to be recognized for one or more awards.
personal to the students," said Marissa Canez, Milpitas High School's College and Career Technician. "My favorite part of planning this year's event was recording the seniors' shout outs to staff and family, and a compiled video of all the shout outs was played at the beginning of the ceremony. This was a perfect personal touch and brought a smile to so many faces!" This year at the 2019 MHS Senior Awards Night, 2 videos were played; one of student shout outs and the other on what Valedictorian means. Shout Out Video What does Valedictorian Mean
Helicopter lands messages of growth mindset, healthy lifestyles at Sinnott Elementary School6/11/2019
A Sikorsky HH-60G Pavehawk from Moffett Air National Guard Base landed on the field of Sinnott Elementary School May 30. Maj. Ken Yambing, the CDTF Team Hawk commander, spoke about the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM), which led to the designing, creating, and building of the helicopter. He also talked to the students about having a growth mindset, and how making good decisions throughout your life can help you obtain some awesome jobs such as a pilot, first responder, teacher, etc.
SFC Mark Anthony Karandang, CDTF Civil Air Operations NCOIC, encouraged students to be kind to one another, and emphasized teamwork and healthy eating. He even led students and staff in an oath so they can be honorary members of their team. Officer Brian Hinkley of the Milpitas Police Department mirrored the message of making good decisions in life, such as teamwork, being kind, and eating healthy. This event reached over 900 individuals and was coordinated by MSgt Jeannie Lam, a third grade teacher at Sinnott Elementary School and a member of the 129th Rescue Wing. Milpitas Board of Education Trustees Michael Tsai and Kelly Yip-Chuan was also in attendance. The following dignitaries were also in attendance: Officer Kita Inthasack, School Resource Officer Officer Chris Nicholas, Traffic Safety Officer Counter Drug Task Force (CDTF) TSGT JESUS ORTIZ, CDTF Team Hawk NCOIC TSGT BRADLEY BOTHELIO, CDTF Team Hawk Special Missions Aviator SSGT RYAN GUERRA, CDTF Team Hawk Special Missions Aviator CAPT TREVOR STINSON, CDTF Team Hawk Aircraft Commander TSGT JOSEPH ZHANG, CDTF Communications NCOIC SSGT AARON PICKARD, CDTF Team Hawk Pararescueman SSGT THOMAS POST, CDTF Team Hawk Pararescueman During the school year, Sinnott teacher Adam Throm helped his 3rd grade class develop growth mindset strategies and words of kindness. As a culminating activity, each student had the opportunity to paint their word of kindness using custom made stencils in front of Room 29 the morning of June 5. Such words included "Stay Together", "Love & Peace", "Stay Happy", "Get Back Up" and "Try Your Best".
Senate Bill (SB) 858 requires that school districts must identify the minimum reserve level applicable to the District and disclose the amount in excess of the minimum. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, at 7:00 pm in the Board Room of the Milpitas Unified School District, 1331 E. Calaveras Blvd, Milpitas, Building 500.
The governing board of Milpitas Unified School District will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Media ResourcesArchives
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