The Superintendent’s office is responsible for overseeing the efficient operation of Milpitas Unified School District. The Superintendent is the district’s executive officer and is responsible for the administration and management of the district schools in accordance with Board of Education policies, directives, and state and federal law.
About the Superintendent
Entering her 36th year with Milpitas Unified School District, Superintendent Cheryl Jordan, the 2023 Association of California School Administrators State Superintendent of the Year, prides herself on making a positive, lasting impact in the lives of all colleagues, student learners, families, and community members by utilizing an inclusive, collaborative Culture of WE approach to everything she is involved in. As a forward-thinking leader and listener, the American Leadership Forum Fellow XLI, 2022-23 President SCC Superintendents Association and 2022-23 President Milpitas Rotary is currently bolstering the visionary MUSD Innovation Campus forged by a Milpitas Alliance for Future Ready Learners business-governance-institutes of higher learning-community based organizations-schools partnership. A member of the State ACSA Accountability Task Force, Chair of the State ACSA Legislative Policy Committee, SJSU Lurie College of Education Advisory Board, S4CA Executive Board, and Milpitas Kiwanis, Jordan and team have launched a MUSD Middle College High School program, a World Languages Academy, and partnerships with SJECCD on a SJCC Extension in Milpitas as well as with the City of Milpitas and EVCC to provide learners with personalized learning and career paths. Starting her education journey as a middle school and alternative high school educator before advancing to a multitude of school site and district administration roles has allowed Jordan to draw from these experiences in moving MUSD forward in an endless-possibilities trajectory. A life-long learner herself, Jordan’s own personal development continues today with a lens on everything possible thru building a Culture of We.
2022-23 supERINTENDENT COMMUNITY messages
January 8, 2022: Clarification on Independent Study and Quarantine
January 7, 2022: MUSD Plan for Instruction Week of Jan. 10-14 January 2, 2022: Returning To School After Winter Break
Moving Forward Together: MUSD 2021-22 COVID19 Update (11/23)
Moving Forward Together: MUSD 2021-22 COVID19 Update (10/26)
Scott Forstner
Board Support & Communications Specialist Phone: 408-635-2600 x6031 Email: [email protected] Communication Resources |