Please join us for a Celebration of Learning with the Milpitas Community on Saturday, January 27th, 2018 at Curtner Elementary. Everyone is welcome! See the flyer below for more information.
Click here to view the program.
View flyer in Spanish | Vietnamese
We're excited for you to join us at our 2018 Parent University on Thursday, January 25th at Randall Elementary! In order to prepare and create the best Parent University experience for you and our presenters, please check out our workshop offerings and let us know what you're interested in attending. This will help our presenters bring enough materials for all attendees. We look forward to seeing you there!!
by Ann Du Bois
A language and literacy program called the “SEAL Model” is thriving at seven of our MUSD schools. The highlight of a SEAL unit is often the culminating gallery walk, when families and other guests are invited to come visit the classroom, and students showcase their learning. On Dec. 20, Spangler’s kindergarten classes, led by Ms. Adidjaja, Ms. Singleton, Mrs. Hilton-Nickel and Mrs. Castello, proudly welcomed a large group of families who enthusiastically filled up the multi-use room for their “Community Helpers” unit gallery walk. Kindergarten parents came prepared with cameras galore and they were in full paparazzi mode. The Spangler kindergarteners presented their shared research projects, highlighting information about a community worker of their choice (e.g., sanitation worker, teacher, dentist, veterinarian, librarian, police officer). The process of creating shared research projects was a collaborative one, and students impressed visitors with their knowledge, enthusiasm, and presentation skills. “I was the first one who started it in my group,” said kindergartener Daniel from Ms. Adidjaja’s class. “I was so happy. My mom and my baby sister were there and I taught everyone. It was great.” Kindergartener Coraline also commented, “I showed people what we did and I was telling them about where they work and all about veterinarians. Mommy came. I didn’t want her to go. It was fun!” Dear Parents:
Around 9:30PM on January 7, 2017, an Instagram post was brought to the attention of the Milpitas High School administration through an alumnus who saw the post. This post was a repost that stated "Don't go to school tomorrow @MHS. Students" "Loaded up bout to head out," which was superimposed over an image of several weapons. Milpitas PD was immediately notified and MHS Principal Rojas with his assistant principal team also investigated. They determined through Instagram and social media that none of the associated accounts were connected to our students or Milpitas. The team found this news article from Albemarle County, Virginia that the threat was directed toward Monticello High School in Virginia and that a juvenile suspect has been detained. Milpitas Police has confirmed the same and that no threat has been made toward Milpitas High School. Nevertheless, Milpitas PD will have additional presence around Milpitas HS tomorrow and every staff member at Milpitas HS will be vigilant throughout the day. You can help by reminding your children that it is essential that if they hear or see something that seems strange or unusual, they should report it to an adult right away; our mantra is if you see something, say something. We are committed to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment for all of our students. Sincerely, Cheryl Jordan Superintendent |
The governing board of Milpitas Unified School District will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Media ResourcesArchives
February 2025
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