African Ancestry Success Community (AASC)
Our PurposeThe African Ancestry Success Community (AASC) strives to ensure an educational environment for our students of African ancestry that will instill a strong perception of themselves as scholars by cultivating culturally relevant activities for students and families while preparing them to rise to the rigors of career, college, and life.
Contact InformationIf you are interested in being a part of AASC,
please add your contact information this google sheet. Email: [email protected] Follow us on our Facebook Group |
Our Programs
Tovi Parent ChampionsThe purpose of the Parent ChampionTM Program is to increase college-going and academic achievement of students of African ancestry by working with both parents and school personnel to increase family engagement. The program uses a working text for teaching and reference: Be A Parent Champion: A Guide to Becoming a Partner with Your Child’s School, and is intentionally designed as an empowerment model of reflections, action steps, and building community.
AASC MentoringThe AASC Mentoring Program will build community, instill leadership, and foster systems of support for our students of African ancestry. A high school student is paired with an elementary school student to build a mentor/mentee partnership, working on academic foundations and Habits of Success. Students are working together every other week, engaging in a wide range of activities: team building, art, games, and historical, cultural awareness.
Cultural Imperative ProgramSelect students of African Ancestry will be meeting one Saturday a month beginning in January of 2019 at the SJCC extension from 9am-12pm to discuss select readings and videos, attend field trips, and participate in other ways to engage students in this intensive study of culture. Outcomes: Greater cultural awareness, better critical thinkers, more conscientious consumers of media content, greater sense of civic and cultural responsibility.
Black Student Union ShowcaseStudents from the BSUs at Milpitas High and Calaveras Hills came together to create a night showcasing and celebrating African Ancestry. The performances included a variety of talents: dancing, singing, the reading of poetry, step routines, and a fashion show. It was a wonderful community night!
African Ancestry Awards CeremonyDue the Covid-19 shelter-in-place, we will be sending certificates home to families and creating a video presentation to show our admiration for the award recipients instead of a in-person ceremony some. The awards ceremony is usually in the month of February. Families are encouraged to attend and it is usually open to the whole MUSD community.