Written Public Comments Submission Procedure for Board Meetings
Length Maximum: All written public comments are limited to 200 words.
Frequency: One comment allowable per individual per agenda item or non-agenda item. Deadline to Submit: All written public comments must be submitted 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start meeting start time. (Ex. If a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 7 p.m., the public comment must be submitted by the prior Monday at 7 p.m.) Method to Submit: Commenters must use the Contact Form on this MUSD Board of Education webpage. Comment on Agenda Items: The submission must be through the online Contact Form 24 hours prior to the meeting start time and clearly identify the specific agenda item being addressed; failure to do so could prevent delivery of your comments. Such materials will be distributed to members of the Board, or its appropriate committee, and uploaded to the public comment portion of the agenda prior to beginning of the Board or committee meeting. Non-Agenda Public Comment: The submission must be through the online Contact Form 24 hours prior to the meeting start time. All materials will be uploaded to the public comment portion of the agenda. Comments received after the deadline but prior to the agenda item will be added as part of the written record. *Members of the Public can directly email our MUSD Board of Education Members with any questions or issues at any time (these are not considered public comments for a meeting):