MUSD Innovation Campus Phase II!! |
MUSD Innovation Campus Phase I Ribbon Cutting |
Current Projects UnderwayMHS Performing Arts Center
School Safety and Security Projects
Spangler Elementary - Security Fencing
Mattos Elementary - Security Fencing
Randall Elementary - Security Fencing
Rose Elementary - Security Fencing
Additional Security Fencing Projects & Timelines
- Completed Security Fencing Sites: Curtner, Sinnott, Weller, Rancho, and Russell 22-23 years.
- Scheduled 23-24 years Security Fencing Sites: Burnett, Mattos, Pomeroy, Randall, Sunnyhills CDC & Zanker.
Bond Projects
Mattos Elementary - Phase II |
Russell and Rancho Track and Field |
MUSD Innovation Campus |
MHS New Performing Arts Center |
Spangler Elementary Roofing
Bond Measure AA Completed Projects |
Bond Measure AA Information |
2020 BOND Projects
2020 Bond Projects Summer projects included:
PAINTING Painting 2020
Sites: Milpitas High School (MHS), Phase II PAVINGPaving 2020
Sites: Spangler, Weller and Zanker ROOFINGRoofing 2020
Sites: MHS Phase II, Burnett, Spangler, Weller, and Zanker HVAC & GALVANIZED PIPING REPLACEMENT2021 Bond Projects
Randall Elementary - World Languages School Modernization December 23, 2020 Drone Flight
Rancho Middle School - Track & FieldWe are thrilled about all the progress and improvements across our school sites to date, and we know that all the work being done will only serve to enhance our ongoing commitment to education and supporting students’ success. More updates will be forthcoming throughout the process! 2019 bond projects
Paving 2019
Sites: Pomeroy, Russell, Rose, Sinnott, and MOT Corporation Yard Painting 2019
Sites: Milpitas High School (MHS), Pomeroy, Burnett, Curtner, and the Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation (MOT) Corporation Yard (which is located behind Russell Middle School) Roofing 2019
Sites: MHS, Russell, and Pomeroy |
CBOC Quarterly Progress Reports A summary of the program-wide activities for this period and progress information specific to each school site is presented in the quarterly progress report. A blend of data from the past three months and information about the current status of projects is presented. The information reflects the level of design or construction occurring at each site. Please click the link below to see a detailed quarterly progress report. CBOC Quarterly Progress Report March 2021 CBOC Quarterly Progress Report Archive Audit REports
Measure AA Audit Report 2023 Measure AA Financial Statement 2023 Measure AA Audit Report 2022 Measure AA Financial Statement 2022 Measure AA Audit Report 2021 Measure AA Financial Statement 2021 Measure AA Audit Report 2020 Measure AA Financial Statement 2020 Measure AA Audit Report 2019 Measure AA Financial Statement 2019 Bond Master Schedule
On August 1 2018, the Milpitas Unified School District Board elected to place a Bond Measure on the November 6, 2018 ballot. If approved by voters in the Milpitas Unified School District, the measure will bring in $284 million bond monies for the Milpitas School Safety and Classroom Upgrade Measure . The passage of general obligation bond Measure AA in November’s midterm election marks a feat of voter affirmation for the Milpitas Unified School District.
“The community’s ‘Yes on AA’ has ignited the momentum towards realizing our Strategic Goals and reimagining school for our future MUSD graduates!” says Superintendent Cheryl Jordan. Bond Measure AA passed by a 71.41 percent margin (13,479 votes), according to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters office. “Thank you Milpitas for casting your vote in favor of Measure AA,” says Daniel Bobay, Clerk of the Milpitas Board of Education. “We appreciate your confidence in the school district and we appreciate our partners in the city. “It’s a win win for the residents of Milpitas, the economic development, and, most importantly, the future of the education system in Milpitas,” says Board President Chris Norwood. “We look forward to full participation of the city as well as community leaders and businesses as well.” “We now have opportunities that we can realize and full support from our community to make our schools the best in the county,” he said. The election followed months of preparation including precinct walking and phone-banking by the independent campaigning committee Community Supporting Students for Outstanding Schools that included parents, staff members, a student, and a member of the TBWB consulting firm. The Committee chaired by PTA President Silvia Dias worked with board members, high school students, parents, teachers, support staff, principals, District leaders, and the community to review needs and develop a plan for Milpitas schools. The $284 million in collected bond monies will be spread across four categories: safety and security, modernization, overcrowding, and a second high school campus. Stakeholders meetings will be held in March and April for facilities planning. Safety and modernization projects will be implemented as soon as school is out for the summer. “Thank you Milpitas leaders, parents, community, and MUSD staff and students for your commitment to providing our children with safe and secure schools, state of the art learning facilities, and the future home of our second high school campus at Ayer Educational Park!” Jordan says. Click here for more detailed information on Bond Measure AA history |