Milpitas High School's AI Club explores limitless possibilities of Artificial Intelligence12/22/2023
By AMANDA LAI MHS AI Club President Milpitas High School’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Club found its roots in August of 2023 when a group of passionate students, inspired by the potential of AI, decided to channel their interest into a small community to hone this interest. Established to explore the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence, this club delves deeply into the more intricate sides of AI — machine learning, data exploration, and many other concepts that are lesser known but as important. With its continued relevancy towards education today, students at MHS created this club out of a shared enthusiasm to harness the impactful power of AI and a desire to explore its applications in various fields. Although fairly novel compared to the other clubs at MHS, the AI Club has started strong since its inception this school year. Members meet regularly twice a week to discuss thought-provoking algorithms, share ideas, and collaborate on projects that engagingly introduce AI. The club serves as a platform for students to learn and apply AI concepts, fostering a tightly-knit community where innovation happens. One major event so far was an invitational guest speech by a Stanford doctorate — Dr. Cheng Wu. Filled with passion for the field and a clear vision of the industry, Dr. Wu shares some of his advice for students interested in pursuing STEM in the future. His engrossing talk spanned two hours; he stressed how important it is for high schoolers to find their purpose — one that is truly unique to them. He told students that he created a backpack that prevents car accidents using AI. He made this after his son was run over by a car and left unable to walk. It's a testament to how AI can create positive change in our community. As we look toward the future, the MHS AI Club continues to be a source of opportunity and knowledge exchange in our community. It not only equips students with valuable skills but also showcases the incredible potential of AI to shape a brighter and more innovative future. The MHS AI Club stands as an indication of what can be achieved when passionate minds come together to explore the frontiers of technology. Now here is a question: can you spot which part of this feature was written by ChatGPT? Comments are closed.
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