Summer has been zipping by, and during these past several weeks, we’ve kicked off a series of bond projects across various school sites in the Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD). Projects started getting underway on June 10, just one day after students finished up the 2018-2019 school year. Since then, a collaborative group effort has been in motion to bring our painting, roofing, and paving projects to completion. We’re in the homestretch now, as we push to have all projects finished before school’s back in session on August 15. "We’re excited with the beginning of this bond through these kickoff projects. It’s the beginning of working to repair and improve the quality and conditions of our schools,” said MUSD’s Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation Brian Shreve, who has been helping oversee the modernization plans along with the Bond department. We’ve come a long way in such a short period of time. Since the school district wanted to ensure that students’ safety, health, and wellbeing were prioritized, and that there were no distractions cutting into school time, we opted to start and complete these projects during the summer. And though we’re not quite finished yet, we wanted to show the community how the bond money approved last November is already making an impact. “We are eternally grateful to our Milpitas community for saying YES to our students and MUSD team members when they approved Measure AA last November. Visit MHS and see what a difference fresh paint makes in creating a welcoming learning environment that says, 'We Care!'” said MUSD Superintendent Cheryl Jordan. Here’s what we’ve accomplished so far: PAINTING Sites: Milpitas High School (MHS), Pomeroy, Burnett, Curtner, and the Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation (MOT) Corporation Yard (which is located behind Russell Middle School) All painting projects are nearing completion, and headed toward a final review process. PAVING Sites: Pomeroy, Russell, Rose, Sinnott, and MOT Corporation Yard Asphalt replacement has been completed at most sites, with striping to follow. ROOFING Sites: MHS, Russell, and Pomeroy Across these three sites, portions of the roofs are being done. Currently, these sites are all in different phases, yet are on track for completion before school begins. HVAC and Galvanized Piping Replacement Spangler is the only school site this year where the Heating and Air Conditioning units, along with Galvanized Piping, are being replaced. HVAC units are nearing completion and the Galvanized Piping is in progress. Next up: We’re deep in the final design stages of Phase 2 for Mabel Mattos Elementary School, and also finalizing the designs for the modernization of Randall Elementary School. Also underway: We’ve been reviewing and finalizing design work for MHS and the second high school campus. We are thrilled about all the progress and improvements across our school sites to date, and we know that all the work being done will only serve to enhance our ongoing commitment to education and supporting students’ success. More updates will be forthcoming throughout the process! Comments are closed.
The governing board of Milpitas Unified School District will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Media ResourcesArchives
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