Superintendent Cheryl Jordan and the Board of Education welcomed the elected and newly elected officials who represent Milpitas and Milpitas Unified School District to the first school board meeting of the 2021 calendar year.
Evelyn Chua (Milpitas City Councilmember), Alex Lee (District 25 Assemblymember), Otto Lee (District 3 County Supervisor), Bob Livengood (San José-Evergreen Community College District Board Trustee Area 1), and Bob Wieckowski (State Senate of 10th Senate District) all virtually attended the special recognition. Ro Khanna (17th Congressional District Representative) was unable to be present but sent his regards. “I thank each of you for being here tonight, and we look forward to partnership with you and the support that we give each other in realizing the vision that each of you have touched on which is ensuring that we have a learning community that is focused on safety, security, and the possible for every person,” said Superintendent Jordan. Each of the representatives were given an opportunity to address the Milpitas community as part of the joint recognition. “I’m really proud of, thankful for, and I believe in the MUSD education system,” said Chua, a 32-year Milpitian, first-time city council member and mother of a MUSD alumna who has worked alongside Milpitas HS student groups on humanitarian efforts over the years. “I’m really proud of the students. They are really the young leaders of our community and they are working hard everyday.” Assemblymember Alex Lee, a member of the 2013 Milpitas HS graduating class elected to his post in November 2020, spoke highly of his experience at MUSD schools and how it helped shape his beliefs system today. “There are very rare opportunities at any stage of life where you go to a place where you have the entire intersection of a community. No matter if you’re rich or you’re poor, or you’re athletic or you’re an AP student, or whatever category you fall into, we all go to school at the same place, (where) we all learn from each other,” Assemblymember Lee recalled. “I take that learning with me to the state assembly where I represent proudly my hometown of Milpitas.” Livengood, another product of the MUSD education system and former City of Milpitas mayor, was honored to share the moment with the rest of the elected officials. “I think Milpitas is pretty lucky. ...We have great people (representing our region), and they work really hard,” Livengood said. “I’ve been able to work with all of them at one point or another, and I look forward to working with all of you.” Senator Wieckowski shared insights into the state budget process and status, stating that “help was on the way,” while Supervisor Lee offered an update on the COVID-19 outlook and vaccination rollout. “I’m certainly honored to represent this district,” Supervisor Lee said. “We are definitely here for you everyday to make sure Santa Clara County stays strong.” Comments are closed.
The governing board of Milpitas Unified School District will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Media ResourcesArchives
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