When families and students find themselves in transition due to their housing situation, it is important that they know what supports are available to help their child find stability. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was created with the goal of ensuring the enrollment, attendance, and success of homeless children and youth in school. According to the U.S. Department of Education (McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Title VII, Subtitle B, Section 725(2), people living in the following situations are considered eligible for services under McKinney-Vento:
In order to determine if your student is eligible to receive additional services under the McKinney-Vento Act, please complete the Residency Questionnaire on the reverse side of this document and return to your school office by Friday, November 18, 2016. Please know that this information will be kept confidential and will only be used to determine eligibility for services. Click on the links below to download Residency Questionnaire
Questionnaire in English | Questionnaire in Spanish
July 2018
EventsFree Parent Workshop
May 1, 2018 6:30PM SJCC Milpitas Extension Free Citizenship Clinic May 19, 2018 10:00PM Irvington High School |