District-wide Staff Trainings
To be compliant with local, state, and federal requirements, we are mandated to provide training in certain areas. MUSD uses Keenan Safe Schools to provide digital training and resources to employees. Some training will be done as a whole group, others will be done individually, and some training will be provided through communication from the Administration.
Mandated Advisories Child Abuse Training - completed within the first six weeks of school or of a new hire.
Child Abuse Prevention training provides staff with an overview of the law regarding the mandated reporting of child abuse, including who must report and reporting requirements. We also provide indicators and definitions of various forms of child abuse, the impact of abuse on children, and child protection. The content in this course was designed with care and sensitivity; however, some may find certain topics personally upsetting, especially for survivors of sexual abuse or assault.
It is organized to address the following:
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Best Practices (June 10, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, Jan. 28, Jan. 29)
Mandatory Topics
MUSD Keenan Mandatory Trainings - Total Time: Up to 6 hours Annually
Child Abuse Prevention training provides staff with an overview of the law regarding the mandated reporting of child abuse, including who must report and reporting requirements. We also provide indicators and definitions of various forms of child abuse, the impact of abuse on children, and child protection. The content in this course was designed with care and sensitivity; however, some may find certain topics personally upsetting, especially for survivors of sexual abuse or assault.
It is organized to address the following:
- Provide an introduction
- Expose Negative and Exclusive Behaviors
- Define Sexual Harassment
- Demonstrate Available Actions
- Discuss Legal Remedies
- Address Retaliation
- Focus on Creating a Healthy Work Culture
- Identify Risk Factors
- Empower Bystanders
- Outline Complaint Procedures
- Stress Investigations
- Create Strategies for Preventing Harassment
- Provide Scenarios
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Best Practices (June 10, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, Jan. 28, Jan. 29)
- Become aware of the prevalence and impact of child sexual abuse
- Recognize the predictive boundary-breaking grooming behaviors of child sexual abusers
- Gain insight into boundary policies and practices that interrupt grooming
- Raise your confidence in knowing what and when to report
Mandatory Topics
- Safety Data Sheets
- Corporal Punishment
- Unlawful Harassment
- Sexual Harassment
- Employment Protections
- Drug Abuse in the Workplace & Drug-Free Workplace/Smoke-Free Environment
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Williams Complaint
- Formal Complaint Procedures
- Staff Use of Technology & Information
- Code of Ethics Board Policy
- Rules of Conduct for Professional Educators
- Bullying
- Student Grievance Title IX
- Hate Motivated Behavior
MUSD Keenan Mandatory Trainings - Total Time: Up to 6 hours Annually
- Child Care Mandated Reporter (AB 1207 California Full Course) Mandatory for all licensed childcare staff. Training must be done every two years by all licensed childcare staff. This is in addition to AB1432.
- Infectious Disease Prevention Training
- Bullying: Recognition & Response: (CA AB 2291 California Refresher Course) This course helps users understand the complexities of bullying by examining its characteristics, development, and underlying causes. It also discusses the roles of victims, bullies, and bystanders, and offers ways for staff to deal with each.
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) – (Cal/OSHA 3203, 1509) All employees are required to understand their safety rights and responsibilities. The course will explore the common elements found in every district’s IIPP Plan as well as tell you how to access your district’s specific plan.
- Sexual Harassment Non-Management: (SB 1343 California Full Course)
- Youth Suicide: Awareness and Prevention and Postvention; Full Course The goal of this course is to provide staff members with information that will help them reduce the likelihood of suicide among students. This course covers the scope of the problem of youth suicide, common risk factors related to youth suicide, successful strategies for youth suicide prevention, the immediate steps a staff member should take if they encounter a student who is threatening suicide, and best practices for intervention after a suicide ("postvention").
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention (Cal/OSHA 5193)
- IPM for Teachers and Office Staff: (Healthy Schools Act California Full Course ) Mandatory for all employees who use antibacterial wipes or sanitizers to wide down surfaces. Training must be done annually.
- Title IX Training to ensure that all employees are trainined on Title IX and reporting procedures.